2022 May and June Update

Dear Friends,

Since our last update, we are excited to be at 60% support. This is a great encouragement as it is over the half way point. Many other missionaries have told us the last half of support goes quickly. We hope this is true as our hearts are heavy to get to the Solomon Islands. During the first week of May, Melodie finished a semester of nursing school which allowed us to travel to some churches further away in the Midwest near our families. After being in Illinois and Kansas, we were at churches in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In the month of June, we were in Florida and North Carolina. We praise the Lord for allowing us to be in meetings nearly every week during the last two months with just one cancellation. During all of our travels, our car was still having issues. We had gotten the A/C fixed, but that seemed to lead to more problems. We replaced the battery, alternator and had a tune up and still had issues, however, a friend was able to get it fixed during a Sunday afternoon while at our home church. We are thankful the Lord protected us and nothing major happened while we were driving.

Douglas experienced his first airplane ride in June.  He did great! He brings joy to all the churches we visit with his smiles, waves and high fives. Doug’s vocabulary has grown to saying, “Mama, Papa, bye, and hot.”

Great news, the Solomon Islands is now open for travel! Micheal and Nora Deatrick, fellow missionaries to the Solomon Islands will be leaving the end of July to return to their church in Honiara. This is a huge answer to prayer that we thank God for answering and what it means for us as we begin looking at making the trip in the future.  Continue to pray for the political unrest in the Solomon Islands. Pray for Melodie as she finishes up her summer semester of classes and goes into her final semester the end of August. Pray for safe travels as we continue to drive hundreds of miles every week.

Constrained by Love,

The Lee Family