2019 Winter Update

Wedding Day | Project Everywhere - Yap | Deputation


Wedding Day

On November 23, I had the privilege of marrying the love of my life, Melodie! We are so excited to start life together as a couple. Melodie and I are excited for the doors to preach the gospel that are open unto us. We plan to continue reaching unreached people with the lifesaving gospel of Jesus Christ.

Project Everywhere - Yap

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My three-month long trip to Yap, Micronesia helped missionary Paul Zimmer as he worked to raise support for the growing Christian school ministry in Yap. The school that I helped at started several years ago and is over 120 with a waiting list due the small facility. While in Yap, the Lord orchestrated a conversation with an islander who told me of over a dozen islands nearby that do not have the gospel. I believe these conversations are divine appointments and I feel personally responsible to see to it that these islands have at least a chance to hear about the true gospel of Jesus.  



Melodie and I have scheduled several months worth of deputation in KS, WI, NC, PA, NY and VA. We are looking to schedule more as we have time too while we also serve at Camp Northfield. Pray for Project Everywhere as we seek to reach unreached people groups with the good news found in knowing Christ.

Constrained by Love,

Colton W. Lee

