2020 January and February Update

Project Everywhere | Church Planting | Prayer Cards


Melodie and I enjoyed a quiet Christmas and New Year settling into our apartment in Massachusetts. It took us a couple of weeks to get everything organized, but we are thankful to be settled in now.

The first Sunday in January, we presented Project Everywhere and the need for evangelism in the uttermost at a church in Acme, Pennsylvania. We praise the Lord the opportunities that He has given us to present Project Everywhere in churches as we continue to raise support. In March, we will be in North Carolina for several weeks of deputation and then in April we are off to Michigan and Wisconsin!

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We are excited to be with church- planter Nick Stelzig in May as he starts Community Baptist Church in Lawrence, Massachusetts. We will be working with him for the whole month: door knocking, park evangelism, street evangelism and building relationships with the people in the community. Pray for God to open the hearts of lost people to hear the gospel and be saved!


We are excited to announce that our prayer cards are finished. If you would like one, contact us and we will send it your way. It
has been encouraging to send out several hundred prayer cards to individuals and churches that go on our behalf to the throne of Grace. We need you to pray for God to open doors for the gospel to go forth in unreached places all over the world. Pray for Project Everywhere.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for safety as we travel on deputation.

  2. Pray that more churches will support Project Everywhere.

  3. Pray for Community Baptist Church as the Stelzigs launch the church in May.

  4. Pray that the Lord will open up future ministry for us to go to unreached places and preach the Gospel.

Constrained by Love,

Colton W. Lee


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